Avinandan Mukherjee

Digital Analytics Consultant

Silicon Valley, California, USA
  • Digital Marketing Technologies
  • Data Engineering
  • Leadership Skills
  • Strong Interpersonal Skills
  • Data Science Methodologies
  • Storytelling
  • Resilient


Digital Marketing Developer | Customer Experience

Application Development Lead | Digital Marketing

Bring insights to customer experiences by developing measurable experience, multivariate & A/B testing campaigns using HTML/CSS, JS/jQuery in Adobe Target and reporting it in Adobe Analytics leading to better customer journey on the web portal. Managing implementation of mock-ups for new user interface, recommending UI design patterns, policies, coding standards, guidelines and procedures for building personalized and optimised digital marketing campaigns of targeted audiences.

Data Engineering

Data Engineer | Transaction Data

Manages large, multi-dimensional data sets using Python, SQL for synthesizing data insights into actionable recommendations using pivotal database for customer 360 analytics through data engineering. Designed and implemented the data architecture for customer's entire journey ecosystem from the ground up supporting teams of Enterprise Manager, Tech Leads, Marketing & Product Analytics for deeper insights.

Digital Analytics | Tracking & Perfromance

Data Collection Lead | Data Analytics

Expertise in building efficient end-to-end digital analytics architecture, data collection solution design, tag implementation, tool integration, testing and optimization & reporting in Adobe Analytics. Lead strategic implementation of cutting-edge tracking & personalization solutions for our customer facing applications. Share insights by building dashboards in Adobe Analytics of the collected data with matching KPI for next actionable decision.

Cloud DB Engineering | Tagging & Optimization

Analytics Implementation Developer | Digital Analytics

Provided solution design, tag implementation strategy, tool integration design, optimization & validation by Ensighten tag management system using front end technologies for crucial data collection which results in gathering insights for business. Built cloud database in Apace Cassandra using CQL in Microsoft Azure reducing visualization near to real time from 30-60mins.

Core Analytics

Analytics Developer

Involved in Developing components of a Risk Forecasting Engine supporting the Stress Testing Aggregation Reporting System in Python by using NumPy/Pandas/Matplotlib in Anaconda which was forecasting risk for next 40+ months.Developed new enhancements using GIT Bash, PyCharm & managed large datasets for analytics using Oracle 11g.

Data Analytics & Reporting

Data Analyst

Experienced in performing cleaning and preparing the collected dataset to perform data analysis and then building dashboards using various analytical tools like Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, Microsoft Excel PowerQuery etc. Demonstrated data acquisition, data integration & data management skills to explore and analyze data in order to interpret results for verifying the initial hypothesis and bring insights.



Degree Institution Year Major
Master's CalState-LA, USA 2016 Information Technology
Bachelor's Adamas Institute of Technology, India 2013 Information Technology